The hardcore filling of the
ring space starts from the roof section of the pipeline in the gallery.
The supply line for the hardcore filling lies in the base of the pipeline.
The ring space is divided into defined sections already during pipeline
construction. Compression lines are to be fitted into the gallery in
the head sections of the galleries. When the pipeline is set up over
the corresponding length the supply lines for the hardcore filling are
connected in the head section of the pipeline. The ring space is filled
into the sections in a way that the pipeline floats up. Additional filling
layers provide a generous wrapping cover. This leads to largely stress-free
imbedding of the pipeline in the hardcore filling. With the last filling
process air and water are completely displaced from the individual section.
Subsequent settlements of the hardcore filling are pressed through the
remaining lines above the ring space. The in-take opening in the head
section of the pipeline is sealed according to the pressure phase. The
ring space of the endless pipeline is filled in a continuous process.